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C/C++ Source or Header
672 lines
/* Program to extract function declarations from C source code */
/* Written by Eric R. Smith and placed in the public domain */
/* Thanks are due to Jwahar R. Bammi for fixing several bugs */
/* and providing the Unix makefiles. */
#if defined(__STDC__) && !defined(minix)
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
extern char *malloc();
#define EXIT_SUCCESS 0
#define EXIT_FAILURE 1
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
/*#define DEBUG(s) (fputs(s, stderr)) /* */
#define DEBUG(s) /* */
#define ISCSYM(x) ((x) > 0 && (isalnum(x) || (x) == '_'))
#define ABORTED ( (Word *) -1 )
#define MAXPARAM 20 /* max. number of parameters to a function */
#define NEWBUFSIZ (20480*sizeof(char)) /* new buffer size */
int inquote = 0; /* in a quote?? */
int newline_seen = 1; /* are we at the start of a line */
long linenum = 1L; /* line number in current file */
int dostatic = 0; /* do static functions? */
int donum = 0; /* print line numbers? */
int dohead = 1; /* do file headers? */
int docond = 1; /* conditionalize for non-ANSI compilers? */
int glastc = ' '; /* last char. seen by getsym() */
FILE *outf;
typedef struct word {
struct word *next;
char string[1];
} Word;
#include "mkproto.h"
* Routines for manipulating lists of words.
Word *word_alloc(s)
char *s;
Word *w;
w = (Word *) malloc(sizeof(Word) + strlen(s) + 1); /* ++jrb */
strcpy(w->string, s);
w->next = NULL;
return w;
void word_free(w)
Word *w;
Word *oldw;
while (w) {
oldw = w;
w = w->next;
/* return the length of a list; empty words are not counted */
Word *w;
int count = 0;
while (w) {
if (*w->string) count++;
w = w->next;
return count;
/* Append two lists, and return the result */
Word *word_append(w1, w2)
Word *w1, *w2;
Word *r, *w;
r = w = word_alloc("");
while (w1) {
w->next = word_alloc(w1->string);
w = w->next;
w1 = w1->next;
while (w2) {
w->next = word_alloc(w2->string);
w = w->next;
w2 = w2->next;
return r;
/* see if the last entry in w2 is in w1 */
foundin(w1, w2)
Word *w1, *w2;
while (w2->next)
w2 = w2->next;
while (w1) {
if (!strcmp(w1->string, w2->string))
return 1;
w1 = w1->next;
return 0;
/* add the string s to the given list of words */
void addword(w, s)
Word *w; char *s;
while (w->next) w = w->next;
w->next = word_alloc(s);
/* given a list representing a type and a variable name, extract just
* the base type, e.g. "struct word *x" would yield "struct word"
Word *typelist(p)
Word *p;
Word *w, *r;
r = w = word_alloc("");
while (p && p->next) {
if (p->string[0] && !ISCSYM(p->string[0]))
w->next = word_alloc(p->string);
w = w->next;
p = p->next;
return r;
/* typefixhack: promote formal parameters of type "char", "unsigned char",
"short", or "unsigned short" to "int".
void typefixhack(w)
Word *w;
Word *oldw = 0;
while (w) {
if (*w->string) {
if ( (!strcmp(w->string, "char") ||
!strcmp(w->string, "short") )
&& (List_len(w->next) < 2) )
if (oldw && !strcmp(oldw->string, "unsigned")) {
oldw->next = w->next;
w = oldw;
strcpy(w->string, "int");
w = w->next;
/* read a character: if it's a newline, increment the line count */
#ifdef __GNUC__ /* ++jrb */
int ngetc(f)
FILE *f;
int c;
c = getc(f);
if (c == '\n') linenum++;
return c;
/* read the next character from the file. If the character is '\' then
* read and skip the next character. Any comment sequence is converted
* to a blank.
int fnextch(f)
FILE *f;
int c, lastc, incomment;
c = ngetc(f);
while (c == '\\') {
DEBUG("fnextch: in backslash loop\n");
c = ngetc(f); /* skip a character */
c = ngetc(f);
if (c == '/' && !inquote) {
c = ngetc(f);
if (c == '*') {
incomment = 1;
c = ' ';
DEBUG("fnextch: comment seen\n");
while (incomment) {
lastc = c;
c = ngetc(f);
if (lastc == '*' && c == '/')
incomment = 0;
else if (c < 0)
return c;
return fnextch(f);
else {
if (c == '\n') linenum--;
ungetc(c, f);
return '/';
return c;
/* Get the next "interesting" character. Comments are skipped, and strings
* are converted to "0". Also, if a line starts with "#" it is skipped.
int nextch(f)
FILE *f;
int c;
c = fnextch(f);
if (newline_seen && c == '#') {
do {
c = fnextch(f);
} while (c >= 0 && c != '\n');
if (c < 0)
return c;
newline_seen = (c == '\n');
if (c == '\'' || c == '\"') {
DEBUG("nextch: in a quote\n");
inquote = c;
while ( (c = fnextch(f)) >= 0 ) {
if (c == inquote) {
inquote = 0;
DEBUG("nextch: out of quote\n");
return '0';
DEBUG("nextch: EOF in a quote\n");
return c;
* Get the next symbol from the file, skipping blanks.
* Return 0 if OK, -1 for EOF.
* Also collapses everything between { and }
getsym(buf, f)
char *buf; FILE *f;
register int c;
int inbrack = 0;
DEBUG("in getsym\n");
c = glastc;
while ((c > 0) && isspace(c)) {
c = nextch(f);
DEBUG("getsym: spaces skipped\n");
if (c < 0) {
DEBUG("EOF read in getsym\n");
return -1;
if (c == '{') {
inbrack = 1;
DEBUG("getsym: in bracket\n");
while (inbrack) {
c = nextch(f);
if (c < 0) {
DEBUG("getsym: EOF seen in bracket loop\n");
glastc = c;
return c;
if (c == '{') inbrack++;
else if (c == '}') inbrack--;
strcpy(buf, "{}");
glastc = nextch(f);
DEBUG("getsym: out of in bracket loop\n");
return 0;
if (!ISCSYM(c)) {
*buf++ = c;
*buf = 0;
glastc = nextch(f);
DEBUG("getsym: returning special symbol\n");
return 0;
while (ISCSYM(c)) {
*buf++ = c;
c = nextch(f);
*buf = 0;
glastc = c;
DEBUG("getsym: returning word\n");
return 0;
* skipit: skip until a ";" or the end of a function declaration is seen
int skipit(buf, f)
char *buf;
FILE *f;
int i;
do {
DEBUG("in skipit loop\n");
i = getsym(buf, f);
if (i < 0) return i;
} while (*buf != ';' && *buf != '{');
return 0;
* Get a parameter list; when this is called the next symbol in line
* should be the first thing in the list.
Word *getparamlist(f)
FILE *f;
static Word *pname[MAXPARAM]; /* parameter names */
Word *tlist, /* type name */
*plist; /* temporary */
int np = 0; /* number of parameters */
int typed[MAXPARAM]; /* parameter has been given a type */
int tlistdone; /* finished finding the type name */
int sawsomething;
int i;
int inparen = 0;
char buf[80];
DEBUG("in getparamlist\n");
for (i = 0; i < MAXPARAM; i++)
typed[i] = 0;
plist = word_alloc("");
/* first, get the stuff inside brackets (if anything) */
sawsomething = 0; /* gets set nonzero when we see an arg */
for (;;) {
if (getsym(buf, f) < 0) return NULL;
if (*buf == ')' && (--inparen < 0)) {
if (sawsomething) { /* if we've seen an arg */
pname[np] = plist;
plist = word_alloc("");
if (*buf == ';') { /* something weird */
return ABORTED;
sawsomething = 1; /* there's something in the arg. list */
if (*buf == ',' && inparen == 0) {
pname[np] = plist;
plist = word_alloc("");
else {
addword(plist, buf);
if (*buf == '(') inparen++;
/* next, get the declarations after the function header */
inparen = 0;
tlist = word_alloc("");
plist = word_alloc("");
tlistdone = 0;
sawsomething = 0;
for(;;) {
if (getsym(buf, f) < 0) return NULL;
/* handle a list like "int x,y,z" */
if (*buf == ',' && !inparen) {
if (!sawsomething)
return NULL;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
if (!typed[i] && foundin(plist, pname[i])) {
typed[i] = 1;
pname[i] = word_append(tlist, plist);
/* promote types */
if (!tlistdone) {
tlist = typelist(plist);
tlistdone = 1;
plist = word_alloc("");
/* handle the end of a list */
else if (*buf == ';') {
if (!sawsomething)
return ABORTED;
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
if (!typed[i] && foundin(plist, pname[i])) {
typed[i] = 1;
pname[i] = word_append(tlist, plist);
tlistdone = 0;
word_free(tlist); word_free(plist);
tlist = word_alloc("");
plist = word_alloc("");
/* handle the beginning of the function */
else if (!strcmp(buf, "{}")) break;
/* otherwise, throw the word into the list (except for "register") */
else if (strcmp(buf, "register")) {
sawsomething = 1;
addword(plist, buf);
if (*buf == '(') inparen++;
if (*buf == ')') inparen--;
/* Now take the info we have and build a prototype list */
/* empty parameter list means "void" */
if (np == 0)
return word_alloc("void");
plist = tlist = word_alloc("");
for (i = 0; i < np; i++) {
/* If no type provided, make it an "int" */
if ( !(pname[i]->next) ||
(!(pname[i]->next->next)&&strcmp(pname[i]->next->string, "void"))) {
addword(tlist, "int");
while (tlist->next) tlist = tlist->next;
tlist->next = pname[i];
if (i < np - 1)
addword(tlist, ", ");
return plist;
* emit a function declaration. The attributes and name of the function
* are in wlist; the parameters are in plist.
void emit(wlist, plist, startline)
Word *wlist, *plist;
long startline;
Word *w;
int count = 0;
DEBUG("emit called\n");
if (donum)
fprintf(outf, "/*%8ld */ ", startline);
for (w = wlist; w; w = w->next) {
if (w->string[0])
count ++;
if (count < 2)
fprintf(outf, "int ");
for (w = wlist; w; w = w->next) {
fprintf(outf, "%s", w->string);
if (ISCSYM(w->string[0]))
fprintf(outf, " ");
if (docond)
fprintf(outf, "P((");
fprintf(outf, "( ");
for (w = plist; w; w = w->next) {
fprintf(outf, "%s", w->string);
if (ISCSYM(w->string[0]))
fprintf(outf, " ");
if (docond)
fprintf(outf, "));\n");
fprintf(outf, ");\n");
* get all the function declarations
void getdecl(f)
FILE *f;
Word *plist, *wlist = NULL;
char buf[80];
int sawsomething;
long startline; /* line where declaration started */
int oktoprint;
wlist = word_alloc("");
sawsomething = 0;
oktoprint = 1;
for(;;) {
DEBUG("main getdecl loop\n");
if (getsym(buf,f) < 0) {
DEBUG("EOF in getdecl loop\n");
/* try to guess when a declaration is not an external function definition */
if (!strcmp(buf, ",") || !strcmp(buf, "{}") ||
!strcmp(buf, "=") || !strcmp(buf, "typedef") ||
!strcmp(buf, "extern")) {
skipit(buf, f);
goto again;
if (!dostatic && !strcmp(buf, "static")) {
oktoprint = 0;
/* for the benefit of compilers that allow "inline" declarations */
if (!strcmp(buf, "inline") && !sawsomething)
if (!strcmp(buf, ";")) goto again;
/* A left parenthesis *might* indicate a function definition */
if (!strcmp(buf, "(")) {
startline = linenum;
if (!sawsomething || !(plist = getparamlist(f))) {
skipit(buf, f);
goto again;
if (plist == ABORTED)
goto again;
/* It seems to have been what we wanted */
if (oktoprint)
emit(wlist, plist, startline);
goto again;
addword(wlist, buf);
sawsomething = 1;
main(argc, argv)
int argc; char **argv;
FILE *f;
char *t, *iobuf;
extern void Usage();
argv++; argc--;
iobuf = malloc(NEWBUFSIZ);
while (*argv && **argv == '-') {
t = *argv++; --argc; t++;
while (*t) {
if (*t == 's')
dostatic = 1;
else if (*t == 'n')
donum = 1;
else if (*t == 'p')
docond = 0;
else if (*t == 'o') {
if (!(outf=fopen(*argv, "w"))) {
} else
if (docond) {
fprintf(outf, "#ifdef __STDC__\n");
fprintf(outf, "# define\tP(s) s\n");
fprintf(outf, "#else\n");
fprintf(outf, "# define P(s) ()\n");
fprintf(outf, "#endif\n\n");
if (argc == 0)
while (argc > 0 && *argv) {
DEBUG("trying a new file\n");
if (!(f = fopen(*argv, "r"))) {
if (iobuf)
setvbuf(f, iobuf, _IOFBF, NEWBUFSIZ);
if (dohead)
fprintf(outf, "\n/* %s */\n", *argv);
linenum = 1;
newline_seen = 1;
glastc = ' ';
DEBUG("calling getdecl\n");
DEBUG("back from getdecl\n");
argc--; argv++;
DEBUG("back from fclose\n");
if (docond) {
fprintf(outf, "\n#undef P\n"); /* clean up namespace */
void Usage()
fputs("Usage: mkproto [-n][-s][-p][-o outfile][files ...]\n",stderr);
fputs(" -o: write output to outfile\n", stderr);
fputs(" -n: put line numbers of declarations as comments\n",stderr);
fputs(" -s: include declarations for static functions\n", stderr);
fputs(" -p: don't make header files readable by non-ANSI compilers\n",